back in april, me and a few buddies began writing some songs together. those buddies being the almighty ian anderson (harsh vibes art, dead to me, strike anywhere), david kelling (all teeth fame) & pretty tony lasalle (strike to survive). since then, we've put together a handful of songs that we're super hyped on and recruited a bassist that can only go by the name of shambles. we're called CULTURE ABUSE and we're playing our first show this friday at bottom of the hill in san francisco, and we're playing alongside creative adult & the new trust. this show is also to celebrate the release of the new trust's new record "keep dreaming". i'm super stoked for everyone to hear us and we're gonna have a grip of handmade merch available. we're recording on saturday with our friend scott up in santa rosa. check out http://party-dudes.com for any updates on culture abuse. and also check out the flyer i designed (below) for our first show this friday.
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